Acupuncture for Pain Management & Healing
What is the best way to treat pain? Take down inflammation, stimulate endorphins and other chemicals from the brain that relieve pain, get the body out of stress by taking us out of ‘fight or flight’ and improve blood flow. These are all approaches that acupuncture uses to go after pain issues in the body.
From an acupuncture meridian point of view, pain is generally looked as as ‘stagnant’ or stuck energy along the channels passing through different areas of the body that are experiencing pain. Once we thoroughly assess which channels are experiencing these blockages, treatment of specific points along those channels can powerfully clear this stagnation, improve the flow of Qi to that area of the body and relieve the pain.
Since the body’s nervous system is usually stuck in repeated patterns when it comes to pain impulses, the discomfort in the area will usually return to the area sometime after the treatment. With subsequent treatments, a cumulative benefit begins to take hold until a new pattern can be created. This is conjunction with improved blood flow to the area can not only lead to sustained pain relief, but true healing to the root causes of the pain, leading to lasting relief.
From an acupuncture meridian point of view, pain is generally looked as as ‘stagnant’ or stuck energy along the channels passing through different areas of the body that are experiencing pain. Once we thoroughly assess which channels are experiencing these blockages, treatment of specific points along those channels can powerfully clear this stagnation, improve the flow of Qi to that area of the body and relieve the pain.
Since the body’s nervous system is usually stuck in repeated patterns when it comes to pain impulses, the discomfort in the area will usually return to the area sometime after the treatment. With subsequent treatments, a cumulative benefit begins to take hold until a new pattern can be created. This is conjunction with improved blood flow to the area can not only lead to sustained pain relief, but true healing to the root causes of the pain, leading to lasting relief.