Where Energy Meets Science
Ask most practitioners what acupuncture is, they will tell you something like this: The body is viewed as a system of interconnected organs and meridians through which vital energy or Qi (pronounced ‘chee’) flows. Any disruption to this flow of Qi will lead to symptoms such as pain or illness to manifest in the body. The placement of acupuncture needles at certain points along those channels can act as a conduit to essentially open and unlock that flow of energy to these areas of the body and initiate its healing.
While we believe that the above energy explanation is true, there is also some powerful science that is beginning to explain how acupuncture works. This research is showing that acupuncture stimulates the central nervous system to release endorphins and enkephalins, the body’s own natural pain killers. When the pain is relieved through this effect, the blood vessels open up and bring nutrients and oxygen to the areas of the body that need it, leading to healing and pain relief. This is how the body heals itself and the acupuncture simply initiates and enhances that process.
While we believe that the above energy explanation is true, there is also some powerful science that is beginning to explain how acupuncture works. This research is showing that acupuncture stimulates the central nervous system to release endorphins and enkephalins, the body’s own natural pain killers. When the pain is relieved through this effect, the blood vessels open up and bring nutrients and oxygen to the areas of the body that need it, leading to healing and pain relief. This is how the body heals itself and the acupuncture simply initiates and enhances that process.
Please take some time to learn more about acupuncture and our clinic with this easy to understand and informative presentation
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What is Community Acupuncture & How are we different?
The mission behind community acupuncture is to create a model of practice that allows us to provide professional, high-quality acupuncture in a more affordable way than the private practice model. We strongly feel that this medicine can enhance the quality of life of every person, and keeping the price affordable allows this to be possible.
Another important benefit of community acupuncture is that often at the beginning of care, it is helpful to come several times per week to get the best and quickest results from treatment. Buying your treatments in affordable packages can allow you to come more frequently and therefore get better faster. This often leads to less treatments overall, because the cumulative benefits of treatment can take hold much sooner.
Treatments in our clinic happen in a beautiful group space. Our goal is to have the healing of your treatment begin the moment you walk in our door. The treatments will include neck warmers, ambient music and a warm inviting atmosphere. They will also include all of the high-quality attention that you would hope to receive at a one-on-one acupuncture session.
Another benefit of community-acupuncture is the group healing effect. If you’ve ever gone to a yoga or meditation class, you may have experienced that the effects of your practice were more powerful than alone at home and it felt like there was a healing quality to the space. Practicing healing work within a group environment has been shown to have a collective benefit for your body, mind and spirit.
Another important benefit of community acupuncture is that often at the beginning of care, it is helpful to come several times per week to get the best and quickest results from treatment. Buying your treatments in affordable packages can allow you to come more frequently and therefore get better faster. This often leads to less treatments overall, because the cumulative benefits of treatment can take hold much sooner.
Treatments in our clinic happen in a beautiful group space. Our goal is to have the healing of your treatment begin the moment you walk in our door. The treatments will include neck warmers, ambient music and a warm inviting atmosphere. They will also include all of the high-quality attention that you would hope to receive at a one-on-one acupuncture session.
Another benefit of community-acupuncture is the group healing effect. If you’ve ever gone to a yoga or meditation class, you may have experienced that the effects of your practice were more powerful than alone at home and it felt like there was a healing quality to the space. Practicing healing work within a group environment has been shown to have a collective benefit for your body, mind and spirit.
The Benefits Of Acupuncture And Chinese Medicine
The true value of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine lies in its ability to help the body heal at the root level as opposed to only treating the symptom. Whether it is moving energy, or balancing hormones, or relieving pain, this time tested medicine can powerfully improve your health.
PainAcupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and nutritional supplements can improve blood flow and relieve inflammation for all types of pain in the body.
Hormone BalanceWhether it's stress, thyroid imbalances, or reproductive health, acupuncture & Chinese herbal medicine can work wonders
Digestive IssuesAcupuncture, Chinese herbs and nutritional supplements can be very effective for IBS, acid reflux, ulcerative colitis and a host of other digestive issues
Emotional HealthStress and anxiety receive an almost immediate benefit from acupuncture treatments. Reducing stress can also relieve many other physical ailments.