Digestive Relief With Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine
Digestive imbalances are very common and according to Chinese medicine have very different causes. For example, if you have acid reflux and go to the doctor, chances are you are all going to get the same medication. However, when you come for acupuncture, there can be very different root imbalances that are causing your acid-reflux to occur. Therefore very different acupuncture points, herbal medicines and even lifestyle suggestions will be given. Another example is weight loss. For one person their difficulty losing weight can be due hormonal changes in the body, whereas for another is caused by stress or a sluggish metabolism. Either way, coming for acupuncture will give you a custom plan to again focus on the root cause of these imbalances, leading to more successful and longer lasting results without the need for Western medications that cause a long list of their one problems and side-effects